Made for HAGJ9, Theme was 19th Century Espionage

The game I have created entitled 'The British Are Coming!' is based on the American Revolutionary War/American War for Independence. With the game taking place shortly before the due date of the siege of Boston. Which historically took place in April of 1775, in which the British were driven out of Boston and was successfully sacked by the United Colonies. It is very loosely based on Paul Revere's Midnight Ride in which the phrase 'The British Are Coming' derives however disputed.


The Evacuation of Boston is depicted here. An event in which the United Kingdom retreats from Boston.

In this game, the United Colonies rely on you to inform of the landing of the British army. You have to manage your Health, Sleep, and Supplies and keep an eye on your surroundings while waiting for the British arrival.


1. Why is there no saving?

I wanted it so that the game feels painfully unlucky or unfair as is history however I did contemplate adding it but that takes away all the hardship and risk of the game.

2. How long are the in-game days?

Every in-game day is 2.5 minutes in length

3. How long does it take for the English to land?

I have coded it so that within 2 years they should land with the odds of a landing being small slowly getting higher with it being assured a landing should occur within said 2 years otherwise contact my support form

4. The theme was 19th Century this is late 18th Century?

I made it set thirty years before the start of the 19th Century. I found it hard to search for any information online regarding espionage during this era and thought decided to set it up during a war I understand better and easier to find information on. I apologize for not following the theme exactly although it is possible to reach that era if you are lucky enough or skilled enough.

I want to say thank you to HAJ9 for just simply existing, giving me any excuse to make something about history which I have wanted to do for a long time. Further thanks to the sources linked below for giving me guidance on everything to do with Massachusetts during this era. 


About AI

I wish to note that I, Helter Skelter Games did not use AI for any assets. The furthest I used AI during the project was for minor coding fixes and to help me understand some of the errors. I will never use AI for image/audio generation for any of my projects.


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Something is badly bugged. Getting water in my containers suddenly results in me dying from blood loss.